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From design, to development Fuga Home Designs ™ uses permaculture as approach to land management and settlement design that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles derived using whole-systems thinking. Fuga Home Designs ™ is committed to creating sustainable housing with it’s vendors and clients. We are dedicated to having the least possible negative impact on our environment.


This means energy efficiency, avoiding environmental toxins, and using materials and resources in a responsible manner while having a positive physical and psychological impact on its inhabitants. What we build matters, and so does how we build it. Building with sustainability in mind should be standard for a 21st century home. Building sustainable homes not only saves you money in the long run, but also reduces your impact on the environment. Fuga Home Design ™ is focused on striving to meet our 16 Point Sustainability Mission which is of the following. We encourage our clients and vendors to being committed to preserving mother nature.


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